Really, I do intend to post more often. But I've found that I'm a binge-blogger, rather than a little every day kind of blogger.
I have a few updates- First, August Lately, LLC has a new division. Introducing fiberphile.
I love natural fibers, I love color, I love creating. It's not difficult to imagine how I made the leap to adding a hand-dyed yarn and fiber division to my handmade business. My crafty muse tends to drive things around here, so when I felt the familiar tug toward a new medium, I didn't argue. It has been a very natural expansion for me, and the immediate success of the endeavor has been all the confirmation necessary.
Also, I've added a new bag to the August Lately line. Meet Baby Belle:
As you can see, although I have been quiet, it's not because I haven't been busy. I continue to fill custom orders, dye yarn, and to design new items whenever possible!